
This is the main object which is associated with the one exported obj file. The scene must contain at least one that object.
All the options in this object affects whole obj file i.e. the options are global for the obj file.


  • Path prefix: The textures can be in any folder relative the obj file, so you can specify that folder as prefix. For example: if you want to put your textures into the folder map/cabin near your obj file you have to specify in this field the following text: map/cabin.
  • Diffuse: The diffuse texture of the object. See TEXTURE in the obj specification. The plug-in doesn’t change the texture it only uses the texture’s name.
  • Lit: The LIT texture of the object. See TEXTURE_LIT in the obj specification. The plug-in doesn’t change the texture it only uses the texture’s name.
  • Normal: The normal texture of the object. See TEXTURE_NORMAL in the obj specification. The plug-in doesn’t change the texture it only uses the texture’s name.
  • Normal Metalness: See NORMAL_METALNESS in the obj specification.
  • Blend Glass: See BLEND_GLASS in the obj specification.
  • Blend: See GLOBAL_no_blend and GLOBAL_shadow_blend and GLOBAL_specular in the obj specification.
  • Specular: See GLOBAL_specular in the obj specification.
  • Tint: See GLOBAL_tint in the obj specification.

Other attributes


Obj Options

These options are for the exporter itself.

  • Enable Meshes: Enables meshes exporting.
  • Enable Lines: Enables lines exporting.
  • Enable Lights: Enables lights exporting.
  • Enable Animation: Enables animation exporting.
  • Optimization: Does some optimization to avoid losing the FPS.


This functional is not implemented yet.

  • Instancing: Enables checking whether the object is instance friendly. The current algorithm does not check all the use cases but the X-Plane can check more ones. If the debug option is enabled the log file will contain a printout about your object. If the word complex is not present and the word additive is (or your object does not contain multiple LODs) then your object can be instanced. For more information about instancing read the X-Plane obj format specification.
  • Debug: Prints the obj text in friendly form and prints DEBUG attribute in the obj file.
  • Scale: The scene scale. You can use the system units In the 3Ds Max as you wish but the X-Plane uses meters. So you can set the scale which is needed for the transformation your scene size to the X-Plane’s scene size. It doesn’t work automatically yet. For example: if you use centimeters then the scale must be 0.01. Pay attention that the system units in the 3Ds Max aren’t the same as the Display units.

Useful for the debug options:

TRIS 6 6 ## My mesh object name here
LINES 6 6 ## My line object name here
## My light object name here
## My dummy object name here
  • Name Meshes: Enables the mesh name printing near the TRIS.
  • Name Lines: Enables the lines name printing near the LINES.
  • Name Lights: Enables the light name printing near the LIGHT_XXX.
  • Name Dummies: Enables the dummies name printing.
  • Tree Hierarchy: Enables text line indent corresponding the tree hierarchy.


  • Scale: The scale of icon it also depends on the system units.